IMI Konnect-An International Journal

About IMI Konnect-An International Journal
IMI Konnect (ISSN 2321 9378) published quarterly from International Management Institute Kolkata is an open access scholarly publication in Management. It publishes original manuscripts by scholars in the field of management and first-hand perspectives from business thinkers and practitioners on contemporary issues. It also publishes viewpoints of eminent personalities in the field of business. The publication currently enjoys a pan India reach with a growing audience in the international markets as well.
Aim & Scope
IMI Konnect from its very inception sought to focus on bringing a wealth of contemporary issues in management to light. It is objectively driven to disseminate knowledge on the present day best professional practices by showcasing relevant research and reflections by academicians and practising managers. The publication aims to contribute to management learning among stakeholders in global academia and industry by publishing practice led-theoretical and empirical perspectives across a wide range of sub areas of management and other disciplines with managerial implications. The scholarly publication is committed to address fundamental issues in emerging management environment pertaining to public, private, profit, non-profit and social business practices. It provides an intellectual platform for the national, international scholars and the industry experts to discuss and debate their opinions and enrich the knowledge base in the field of management.
IMI Konnect invites scholars, practitioners, researchers and thought leaders from across the globe to contribute their latest manuscripts on relevant and contemporary issues in management and management related domains. The publication features original research articles, reviews, opinion pieces, viewpoints and case studies in business and interdisciplinary areas in management from thought leaders as well as blind peer reviewed articles by scholars. The published manuscripts include full research papers as well as short communications on relevant emerging topics. The issues are themed on Marketing, Economics, Finance, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources (OB & HR), Information Technology & Operations (IT & Operations), Strategy, Management Education apart from special themes in Special Issues. The objective is to create and disseminate knowledge not only among specialists or experts, but also to create an interest about the academic knowledge among the stakeholders like individuals in corporate bodies, government departments and policy makers. There are no processing fees or publication charges for publishing in IMI Konnect and publication considerations are entirely based on the quality of the contribution that justifies the theme of a specific issue or the overall aim.
- Articles – full-fledged research articles
- Case Studies – case studies with citations, references and exhibits.
- Opinion Pieces – short write-ups involving opinion of experts from academia and/ or Industry.
- Viewpoints – firsthand perspectives of experts on pertinent issues
Indexing Information
Review Policy
The manuscripts for IMI Konnect are first reviewed by the Editorial Assistant. An acknowledgement is shared with the author within 3 working days of receiving the manuscript at [email protected]. Deviations from the submission guidelines and plagiarism checks are done within 3 working days from the date of acknowledgement of the manuscript. Thereafter an editorial review, a double blind peer review process is undertaken by the expert reviewers in different areas. Based on their recommendation, the decision for publication is taken by the Editor-in-Chief. Strict confidentiality of authors as well as reviewers are maintained. Peer-reviewing norms are strictly adhered to. A submission is evaluated in terms of logical consistency, substance/ originality of results/hypotheses, relevance of the topic etc.Publication Ethics & Responsibilities thereof
- Editor/s of IMI Konnect do not encourage or allow research misconduct.
- The editor/s exercise the highest standards of personal integrity in their responsibility.
- Editors publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
- The reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and conduct themselves impartially.
- The author/s should confirm that: i) their research work is original; ii) it has not been previously published and has been submitted only to IMI Konnect; iii) where material or data are taken from other sources (including their own published work), the sources are clearly cited and appropriate permissions have been obtained wherever necessary; iv) their work does not infringe any intellectual property rights or privacy rights of others; v) their data is not manipulated; vi) accurate representation of authorship of the manuscript.
There is no subscription fee as of now. For hard copies, contact IMI Kolkata. For online browsing, create your login
Contact Us
For copies and queries, contact editorial team at
Email: [email protected].
Telephone: +91 33 6652 9664
IMI Kolkata, 2/4C, Judges Court Road
Alipore, Kolkata 700027, India